Woozle and Lorax Classics
Collected under the same cover for the first time ever!
Woozle and Lorax are two little aliens on a grand tour of the milky way galaxy. But when they unexpectedly run out of space-gas and crash-land in Roswell, New Mexico – the only person who can help them with their transportation needs and possibly get them home is... a used-car salesman!?!
By Carlos Vigil and Bryan Rountree
16 pages | Black & white interiors | Full-color cover
Fun size horizontal format – 8.25" x 6.5"
All-Ages Approved!
Quick! Like Woozle and Lorax on facebook and be automatically entered to win free W&L stuff! Including goodies autographed by the artists and who knows what else! Free pie? A dream date? A sweater from the 80s? The possibilities are endless!